Are You Prepared?

Running or starting your own small business can be a daunting effort on its own; this coupled with financial burdens can push owners over the edge. In this everchanging world, everyone must stay financially prepared for the worst – especially small business owners. One of the best ways to safeguard your livelihood from unexpected financial crises is to keep practical steps in place to protect your business from financial ruin.

Plan Ahead

Do your research. Keep your eye on local and national data on how businesses in your industry are doing financially to ensure you stay profitable and sustainable. Take a peek into what your competitors are doing. By doing so you can use others as a guide for knowing what to avoid and  to see what is working. Edit your business model to include the new and emerging techniques in your industry.

Good Financial Habits

As a small business owner, you know something is always going on in your workplace. You are constantly in meetings, ordering supplies, delegating tasks – the list goes on and on. However, it should be one of your top priorities to set up internal financial meetings with yourself and whoever else on your staff who deals with financial matters. Use this time to familiarize yourself with your books; do this even if you are working with a bookkeeper. Doing so will allow you to have better insight into your business and financial expenses.

Get Your Rainy Day Fund Ready

Rainy days are sure to come. Setting funds aside every month for unexpected expenses can save you big time in the long run. You might run into storm damage, broken equipment or air conditioner repairs that can put a large hole in your pocket if you are not expecting them. By implementing a savings plan and account for your small business, you are sure to avoid major financial losses due to unexpected issues.

Set Goals

All successful business owners set goals for themselves. Make the goals you set for your business are both attainable and clear. To ensure you are meeting the milestones you want, consider creating “sub-goals” or goals within your goals that will help achieve your objective. Remember to review the goals you have set for yourself and your business regularly. To ensure they are realistic, relevant and achievable.

Peace of Mind

Finding a starting point for future-proofing your small business can be difficult if you are unsure of where to start. Luckily, with the help of Bumgardner Morrison, your business can achieve successful financial preparation. Contact us today for all your financial planning needs; our staff is ready to help take your business to  the next level while providing you with a peace of mind.